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 Artificial substitutes for natural teeth are dental implants. Whether you have lost one tooth or have lost all of them due to old age, dental implants are the tooth replacement solution. For years, bridges, temporary partial or complete dentures were the only alternatives to missing teeth.

The replacements are made of titanium, one of the same metals produced for hip and other joint replacements. We're talking about two pieces for dental implants, the part of the implant that is the screw that substitutes the root part of the tooth in the bone and the crown that replaces the visible part of the tooth in your mouth.


Partial or complete dentures were the solution for a long time, but unfortunately, it wasn't the ideal solution. It never felt like natural teeth and contributed to problems and limitations in what we eat, comfortability and looks.  


Dental Implants replace damaged teeth and feels like natural teeth. You wouldn't worry about losing it or having it loosened. You can eat every type of food without hesitation. 



If you feel like this may be the solution for you, please book an appointment with us. After looking through your oral and medical history and conducting an exhaustive examination to determine if you are the right candidate for Dental Implants, we may proceed by conducting C.T. scans, impressions, lab tests or other preliminaries.

Once you are considered eligible, 


  1. The surgery is completed in the clinic with a local anesthetic or a combination of local anesthetic and gas. We allow 3-4 months of healing period after the surgery. We expect the implants to fuse to the bone during this time, called 'Osseointegration.' 

  2. Our doctors will then attach a "post" to the implant. This serves as a support to your tooth or teeth. This is a quick procedure.

  3. During the final restorative phase, we will take impressions and then attach the crown to the implants. This may require you to make a few visits. The procedure will then be complete. 



When a tooth is lost, it might not seem all that significant, but it can have significant consequences over the coming years. Missing teeth can affect the health of an individual as well as their ability to talk and chew. Their facial appearance, as well as their sense of self-confidence, will be affected.

Over time, losing only one tooth may lead to a chain reaction. Ultimately, more teeth will be lost, leading to a more complex problem. We may consider replacing the missing teeth with dental implants or bone grafting after the stabilization stage if tooth and bone loss occurs.


1. Loss of chewing capacity- If you lose many teeth, it will significantly weaken your chewing ability.  Cheeks can look slimmed down, and when the lost tooth no longer strengthens the missing tooth region, bone loss occurs.


2. Remaining teeth are compromised - For complete protection, teeth need the support of each other. The remaining teeth need to work extra hard to carry the load when your tooth is missing. This causes strain on your other teeth, and it may crack or split, drift, tilt, or cause a collapse on the bite. 


You will eventually face the collapse of your adjacent and opposing teeth into the space provided by the missing tooth. The stability of the teeth is weakened after this.  Many patients are often unable to recognize why this is happening. This misalignment will further impair the chewing process and increase your vulnerability to worsening tooth decay and gum disease.


3. Bite and facial collapse- The back teeth reinforce the bite. Your back teeth wear down over time. The remaining teeth start to break down much sooner and get forced out of place. The collapse will cause the chin to move upwards, making the lips appear frowned.


4.Although the problem may not be very evident in the initial stages, it gradually causes teeth loss and bone loss; eventually, leading to damages in the jaw bone. 


5. Bone Loss – When you lose a tooth, the tooth's foundation, i.e. bone, begins to collapse. You will find the difference within the first year of your loss of a tooth.


6. Facial deformity- An essential aspect of your facial features is your smile. Many people might think that losing their back teeth doesn't cause much damage "as long as it doesn't show."  At first, losing one tooth may not have such a significant impact. Time, however, does impact your other teeth. Eventually, the progressive domino effect will result in loss of support for the lip, cheek and tongue, and vertical facial support, seriously compromising the facial aesthetics.

You will take the increasing issues associated with losing your teeth seriously if you are attentive towards your wellbeing. A dental implant will generally be the first preference when considering the restoration of a missing tooth. It's an incredibly efficient alternative that has some distinct benefits. Fixed bridges were historically known to be the safest option and can still replace the teeth.  Partial Dentures restores a healthy jaw joint and improves your chewing function.

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