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Root canal        therapy

There are arteries and veins in the center of the tooth, and it carries blood to the soft tissue of the tooth. The pulp may sometimes become infected and must be removed and replaced with a non-reactive pulp. This is Root Canal Treatment or Endodontic treatment.




  1. Help the toothache. 

  2. Stop the infection and pain from spreading to other parts of the jaw and the rest of the body.

  3. Help the tooth to heal instead of replacing it with an implant.



The tooth goes numb with the use of a local anesthetic during a root canal. We use it to ensure that during the operation, you are comfortable. We also have calming gas & relaxing medications available. After the numbness wears off, there will only be mild inflammation & tenderness for most people. It may be incredibly uncomfortable for specific individuals. That is why, after most root canals, we prescribe effective pain medication and antibiotics. Generally, the area may be sore, and the jaw joint will be tired.

The precautions recommended by your dentist and pharmacist for pain medication and relaxing medication should also be practiced.​


  1. The infected pulp is removed by creating a hole in the tooth. 

  2. The root canals are widened, flushed and designed with precision tools.

  3. The cavity may be filled with cotton, medicine or a  temporary filling, or the tooth may be left open to drain the pus.

  4. The temporary filling is removed during the next appointment. A unique rubber-like material fills the hole. With a post/core and later a crown, the root is sealed & the tooth is built-up.



The tooth could be tender after the root canal. The tooth area may be inflamed for 1 to 2 weeks; however, it can continue for much longer in some situations, depending on the body's healing ability. The tooth may become weak and brittle and may fracture. That's why, with a root canal, we advise the patients to get a crown and a core build-up. This step helps to allocate the forces on the tooth and lower the chances of tooth fracture. To keep the tooth together, we then put a crown over the build-up.


It would be best if you continued taking the medication and antibiotics as prescribed unless your body is allergic to it (seek immediate medical attention in that case)


The likely result is the expectation of complete healing without complications. Allow roughly two weeks for surgical recovery. Considering the status of your health, age and other factors, it may take a few months for complete build-up. Typically, teeth that undergo root canal procedures require a crown. To alleviate the symptoms, this course of treatment should help. Your discomfort may continue if you do not have root canal treatment or alternative treatment for preventing infection. You can face the risk of a life-threatening condition, tooth loss, tissue abscesses, and the bone covering your teeth (this may extend to the region around your eye, neck, ear, jaw joint or other body tissues & organs). If untreated, it may lead to a medical emergency.

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